
An outsourced managed service provider (MSP) delivers services, such as network, application, infrastructure, and security, via ongoing and regular support and active administration on customers’ premises, in their MSP’s data center (hosting), or in a third-party data center. MSPs may deliver their own native services in conjunction with other providers’ services (for example, a security MSP providing sys admin on top of a third-party cloud IaaS). Many MSPs include services from other types of providers. The term MSP traditionally was applied to infrastructure or device-centric types of services but has expanded to include any continuous, regular management, maintenance, and support.” Extracted from Gartner Resources
Outsourced NOC services or Managed IT Support provides 24x7 monitoring and committed support & service. Focused maintenance and support are key elements for success. Core Need Elements are provided by the client to the Outsourced NOC / Support Provider as talent/People and Resources are provided by the Outsourcer who excels in Managed NOC Support of IT & Telecom companies.
Shift Ahead technologies provide managed NOC services and network operations management and help clients save 40-50% operational costs.

Front End
· Javacript
· JQuery
· UI/UX Design(wireframing/prototypes)
Back- End Devl
· Php (Laravel / CodeIgniter)
· Angular2
· NodeJs
· Dotnet
· Python
· MySql
· MangoDB
· Oracle SQL
· PostgreSQL
· Azure
· AWS/Google /Digital Ocean
· Kubernetes/Jenkins/Docker
· Public/Private clouds
CI/CD: Jenkins Pipelines, Bitbucket Pipelines, TeamCity, Azure DevOps, AWS, CodeDeploy/CodePipeline
Monitoring & Logging: Prometheus, Grafana, DataDog, Zabbix, Nagios, ElasticSearch, Kibana, Splunk, AWS CloudWatch
Mobile App Dev
· Android / Eclipse
· Flutter
· Reach Native
Generic Form of Web Development

For your needs contact info@shiftahead.tech